MTGARandomBooster is not updated anymore! Please visit MTGADraft which has the same features, and more!

Select your MTGA log file

(should be located at C:\Users\-YOURNAME-\AppData\LocalLow\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA\output_log.txt) (Last update: {{ CollectionDate }})

Collection Stats

Missing Cards

Restrict set: Show cards non obtainable in boosters

Rares ({{ MissingRares.length }})

  • {{ card.printed_name[Language] }} x{{4 - card.count}} ({{ (100 * (4 - card.count)/MissingRares.length).toFixed(2) }} %)

Mythics ({{ MissingMythics.length }})

  • {{ card.printed_name[Language] }} x{{4 - card.count}} ({{ (100 * (4 - card.count)/MissingMythics.length).toFixed(2) }} %)


Deck ({{Deck.length}})

MTGA Custom Boosters

Use the form above to load your MTGA collection. Once done, you'll be able to generate some boosters filled with cards from your collection and create a deck from those!